Are Mainstream Booking Apps Squeezing Your Profitability?

Creative Economy



Are Mainstream Booking Apps Squeezing Your Profitability?

Christ Dawn
January 18, 2024

Christ Dawn

Passionate about digital marketing, Christ blends their love for arts, music, and culture into a career, eagerly gaining expertise in this dynamic field.

November 17, 2023

While mainstream booking apps promise increased visibility and streamlined processes, they often come at a cost (both figuratively and literally!). The fees associated with some platforms, ranging from sign-up costs to transaction charges, can significantly eat into a service provider's bottom line, squeezing profitability margins.

ClassPass is a subscription-based service that allows users to access a variety of fitness classes across different studios and gyms. Instead of being tied to a single fitness facility, users pay a monthly fee to access classes at various locations, providing flexibility and diversity in their workout routines.

Despite the seamless booking convenience and its wide selection of classes and studio fitness choices through this platform, here are some of the challenges that comes with it:

Choice Overload: Users may face the paradox of choice, with numerous class options leading to decision fatigue.

Limited Repeat Attendance: The nature of ClassPass encourages trying different classes, potentially reducing the number of repeat visits to any single studio.

​​Revenue Model Challenges: Studios receive a portion of the subscription fee from ClassPass, which may be less than what they would earn from direct memberships.

Class Capacity Issues: Popular studios might face challenges managing demand from ClassPass users, affecting regular members' access.

The Journey of ClassPass: Balancing Success and Criticism in a Dynamic Market

Founded in 2013 by Payal Kadakia, ClassPass was conceived as a response to the challenges of accessing diverse fitness classes without the commitment to a single gym or studio. The idea was simple yet revolutionary – a subscription service that provided users with the flexibility to explore various fitness classes across different studios.

ClassPass, a pioneering force in reshaping fitness experiences, has seen remarkable successes alongside valid criticisms. This balanced view acknowledges both aspects, recognizing the platform's achievements while addressing concerns raised by users and fitness studios.

The company has undergone several transformations, adapting to market dynamics and responding to user and studio feedback. This adaptability was particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, where ClassPass pivoted to offer digital classes when physical studios were temporarily closed.


  1. Diverse Fitness Access: ClassPass has successfully democratized fitness by providing users with unparalleled access to a wide array of classes and studios. This variety allows members to explore and diversify their workout routines, contributing to a more dynamic and engaging fitness journey.
  2. Flexibility and Convenience: The platform's subscription model offers flexibility, allowing users to book classes at different studios without being tied to a single location. This adaptability resonates with the modern lifestyle, where flexibility and convenience are paramount.
  3. Studio Exposure and Revenue: ClassPass has played a pivotal role in increasing the visibility of fitness studios, especially smaller or niche ones. Studios benefit from exposure to a broader audience, potentially leading to increased revenue and brand recognition.
  4. Corporate Wellness Programs: ClassPass has ventured into corporate wellness programs, providing employers with a platform to offer fitness benefits to their employees. This move aligns with the growing emphasis on employee well-being and work-life balance.


  1. Fee Structure for Studios: One significant criticism revolves around the financial impact on studios. Some argue that the fees paid by ClassPass to studios may be insufficient, particularly when compared to the revenue generated from direct memberships. This raises concerns about the financial viability of participating studios.
  2. User Experience Challenges: Users have reported challenges related to the ClassPass credit system, where certain classes require a higher number of credits, limiting choices for lower-tier subscribers. This has led to frustrations and a perception of reduced value for some users.
  3. Booking Availability: Popular classes may face capacity issues due to ClassPass users, potentially limiting regular members' access. This imbalance has raised concerns among studios and users alike, impacting the overall experience.
  4. Dynamic Pricing Ambiguity: The dynamic pricing model, while flexible, has faced criticism for its lack of transparency. Users may find it challenging to predict how pricing varies based on factors like location and class popularity, potentially leading to unexpected costs.

Introducing Mereka's Adaptive Strategy: Learning from Industry Trends to Tailored Solutions for Creative Spaces

If you haven’t heard about us already, Mashable SEA did a great job writing about how cool we are in this article!

Mereka's journey is woven with a commitment to learning from the broader industry's narratives. By discerning the challenges and successes of platforms like ClassPass, Mereka takes a nuanced approach to crafting solutions that resonate with the specific needs of creative spaces. Our platform not only adapts to change but embraces it, viewing industry dynamics as opportunities for growth and refinement.

Fair Pricing for Studios. Mereka recognizes the importance of sustainability for creative spaces. Its fair pricing model ensures that participating studios receive reasonable compensation, contributing to the economic health of these vital hubs of creativity.

Support for Local Businesses. Local businesses are the heartbeat of creative communities, and Mereka actively champions their cause. By offering support to local studios, workshops, and creative ventures, Mereka contributes to the cultural richness of neighborhoods, nurturing a flourishing ecosystem of artistic expression.

Community-Focused Approach. Creativity thrives in communities, and Mereka places a strong emphasis on building them. The platform's community-focused approach encourages collaboration, idea-sharing, and networking among creative individuals. Virtual events, collaborative projects, and local meet-ups are woven into the fabric of Mereka's community vision.

User-Centric Experience. Mereka understands that the success of creative spaces relies on the engagement of users. The platform offers a user-centric experience, making it seamless for individuals to explore, book, and participate in creative activities. Transparent pricing, diverse offerings, and a commitment to user satisfaction define Mereka's approach.

Fair Pricing for Studios. Mereka recognizes the importance of sustainability for creative spaces. Its fair pricing model ensures that participating studios receive reasonable compensation, contributing to the economic health of these vital hubs of creativity.

Support for Local Businesses. Local businesses are the heartbeat of creative communities, and Mereka actively champions their cause. By offering support to local studios, workshops, and creative ventures, Mereka contributes to the cultural richness of neighborhoods, nurturing a flourishing ecosystem of artistic expression.

Community-Focused Approach. Creativity thrives in communities, and Mereka places a strong emphasis on building them. The platform's community-focused approach encourages collaboration, idea-sharing, and networking among creative individuals. Virtual events, collaborative projects, and local meet-ups are woven into the fabric of Mereka's community vision.

User-Centric Experience. Mereka understands that the success of creative spaces relies on the engagement of users. The platform offers a user-centric experience, making it seamless for individuals to explore, book, and participate in creative activities. Transparent pricing, diverse offerings, and a commitment to user satisfaction define Mereka's approach.

Why Choose Mereka?

Opt for Mereka and join a community who eats, sleeps, and repeats innovation, creativity, and collaboration. With Mereka, you gain access to a diverse network of creative hubs, tailored learning experiences, and a platform that actively adapts to the evolving needs of the creative sector. It's not just about joining a platform; it's about being part of a movement that empowers a vibrant community. Why choose Mereka? Because here, your creative journey finds its true home. Learn why with these 3 main points:

1. The Vast Space of Hubs at the palm of your hand

Diverse Hub Options. Mereka goes beyond the conventional, offering a diverse array of Hubs that cater to various creative needs. From coworking spaces to art studios, Mereka ensures a tailored fit for every user and experience provider.

Fair Hub Partnerships. Mereka is committed to fair partnerships with Hub owners. It addresses the concerns raised by some ClassPass partners about user experience challenges. Therefore, Mereka came up with commodious features such as hub types, custom profile, hub dashboard, calendar, and customized URL to accommodate the needs for both providers and users. 

2. Experiences, Experiences, and Experiences!

Variety and Personalization. Mereka celebrates diversity in Experiences. It recognizes that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't resonate with users. The platform encourages experienced providers to curate unique offerings, fostering personalization and addressing concerns about limited options.

Transparent Pricing Model. Mereka adopts a transparent pricing model, mitigating the ambiguity faced by ClassPass users. Users can explore a range of Experiences with clear credit systems, ensuring a straightforward and user-friendly booking process.

3. A Place for you to find Spaces

Support for Local Spaces. Mereka actively supports local businesses, ensuring that Spaces, whether they are fitness studios, creative workshops, or education spaces, receive fair distribution. This commitment contrasts with concerns raised about the financial impact on ClassPass partner studios.

Community-Focused Spaces. Mereka fosters a community-centric approach within Spaces. By encouraging collaboration, networking, and shared experiences, Mereka transforms Spaces into vibrant hubs that go beyond transactional interactions.

Success Stories and Testimonials from your Local Hubs

Mereka's collaboration with VANS (@vansmyofficial) and Penang Art District (@penangartdistrict) has proven to be resounding success, demonstrating a harmonious synergy between the three partnerships. By leveraging Mereka Connect’s platform, VANS has not only expanded its reach but has also embedded itself with local communities in Penang and Kuala Lumpur. The impact of Mereka Connect on Penang Art District (PAD) has also been transformative, as reflected in their testimonial. Mereka Connect, true to its name, has facilitated connections with prominent brands such as VANS, elevating PAD's presence and expanding its customer pool.

“Collaborating with Mereka has helped VANS to connect with the artistic community of KL and Penang while directly engaging with our clientele through specially curated arts workshops. This has been a seamless partnership, one that we hope grows with time to further contribute towards the development of Malaysia’s creative economy” - VANS Malaysia

Collaborating with VANS on Mereka has not only benefited Penang Art District but has also brought significant exposure to local artists. Through the listed Experiences, the partnership has provided a platform for artists to showcase their talents and offered people the opportunity to acquire new skills, all at no cost. This collaborative effort has not only enriched PAD but has also contributed to the overall sustainability of the creative ecosystem in the region.

“Mereka truly justifies its name because the platform helped us connect with big brands like VANS and grow our customer pool. The Experiences that we have listed in collaboration with VANS on Mereka Connect brought exposure to local artists, and gave people an opportunity to learn new skills for free. Hence, not only did our partnership bring benefits to PAD, but it also enriched the creative ecosystem around us and made it more sustainable” - PENANG ART DISTRICT

Letting the love letters speak for themselves, we hope the positive impact spreads as Mereka continues to foster meaningful collaborations, supporting local artistic communities, and creating a more sustainable and vibrant creative landscape.

Shaping the Future of Online Ticketing: Adaptability, Innovation, and Community Focus in a Changing Landscape

The landscape of online ticketing platforms is undergoing a transformative evolution, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and a growing emphasis on community-centric experiences. As the industry evolves, the key to sustained success lies in adaptability, innovation, and responsible growth.

Smart Technologies: The future of online ticketing platforms will likely see increased integration of smart technologies. This includes AI-driven personalized recommendations, virtual event experiences, and seamless, secure transactions. Mereka aims to stay at the forefront of technological innovation to enhance user experiences.

Personalization and Accessibility: Users expect more personalized experiences and greater accessibility. Future platforms will prioritize user-centric design, ensuring that the ticketing process is not only efficient but also tailored to individual preferences. Mereka is committed to providing a seamless, user-friendly interface for its community.

Environmental Impact: Responsible growth involves addressing the environmental impact of events. Future platforms may integrate eco-friendly practices, such as digital ticketing, reducing paper waste, and promoting sustainable event planning. Mereka envisions a future where responsible practices align with community and environmental well-being.


In choosing an online ticketing platform, the emphasis lies on selecting one that aligns with both provider and user needs. Mereka, with its responsible growth, community-centric vision, and commitment to positive impact, emerges as a choice that goes beyond transactional benefits, promising a more enriching and connected experience for both providers and users. Choose a platform that not only facilitates transactions but actively contributes to the well-being and vibrancy of the communities it serves. Choose Mereka for a responsible and beneficial ticketing experience!

Don't Miss Out – Join Mereka Today!

Have questions or need more information? Our team is here to help! Reach out for personalized assistance, event recommendations, or any queries you may have.

Your fitness studio is not just a destination; it's an experience waiting to be discovered. Embrace the future of fitness with Mereka – where connections are forged, wellness is celebrated, and your Fitness Hub takes center stage. Join us now and let the fitness revolution begin!

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