Are you thriving or surviving in your well-being?

Future of Work


Tips and practical advices

Are you thriving or surviving in your well-being?

April 12, 2023


Amarachukwu, a gifted copywriter, crafts narratives that captivate and resonate, marking her distinction in the field.

October 4, 2023

It's a ubiquitous modern-day dilemma: are you thriving in life or merely surviving? We all aspire to achieve a state of thriving where we can truly flourish and live our lives purposefully. 

Thriving and surviving are two distinct states of being that have a significant impact on our overall well-being. Surviving refers to the state of simply getting by, where we may be able to meet our basic needs but struggle to achieve our goals or feel fulfilled. Thriving, on the other hand, involves actively pursuing our goals and experiencing a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in our lives. To differentiate between the two, we can ask ourselves questions like: Am I just getting through the day, or am I actively engaged in pursuing my goals and passions? Do I feel content and satisfied with my life, or do I feel like something is missing? By reflecting on our answers to these questions, we can gain a better understanding of whether we are merely surviving or truly thriving in our well-being.

Yet, everyday challenges often mean we slide into survival mode, just trying to keep our heads above water. 

In this engaging and insightful blog post, we will explore the key differences between thriving and surviving in your well-being and offer practical strategies to help you transition from merely coping to sincerely living your fullest life. Buckle up and join us on this journey of self-discovery.

1. Understanding the Dynamics of Thriving vs. Surviving

The fundamental difference between thriving and surviving lies in how we approach our daily lives. When surviving, we tend to focus on immediate needs and live day-to-day without taking the time to consider our long-term goals, dreams or aspirations. 

On the other hand, thriving involves embracing a growth mindset – focusing on avoiding problems and actively seeking opportunities for personal growth and development instead. 

2. Recognizing the Signs of Just Surviving

To switch from surviving to thriving, it's essential to recognize the signs that you're merely surviving. 

These might include constant stress, anxiety, or unexplained fatigue; feeling disconnected from your passions or interests; regularly neglecting self-care; and lacking fulfillment in your daily life. By recognizing these indicators, you can address the underlying issues that keeps you from truly thriving.

3. Embracing the Elements of Thriving

Thriving is more than just the absence of survival; it involves embracing a holistic approach to living, considering various elements of your personal well-being. 

These include physical health (exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet), mental and emotional well-being (practicing mindfulness and gratitude, seeking therapy if needed), social connections (nurturing friendships and maintaining healthy relationships), purposeful and fulfilled work, and spiritual or philosophical engagement. 

You can move towards a thriving state by addressing these various dimensions of well-being.

4. Practical Strategies for Transitioning from Surviving to Thriving

Now that you understand the difference between thriving and surviving and recognize the signs of merely surviving, it's time to take action. Here are some practical strategies to help you transition well:

5. The Importance of Patience and Self-Compassion

It is crucial to remember that transitioning from surviving to thriving will take time. It's an ongoing journey with setbacks along the way. Moreover, striving for perfection can be detrimental to your overall well-being. Therefore, it's important to approach this process with patience and self-compassion. Be kind to yourself when you stumble, and celebrate your progress as you move closer to a thriving life instead.

6. Prioritize self-care.

Self-care is essential for personal well-being. Make time for activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul. This could be anything from taking a bubble bath to going for a walk in the nature or meditating. Whatever it is, make sure it makes you feel good and helps you relax.

7. Find a sense of purpose.

Having a sense of purpose is essential for personal well-being. It gives you a reason to get up in the morning and helps you feel fulfilled. 

To find your purpose, think about what you're passionate about and what makes you feel fulfilled. Then, find ways to incorporate those things into your life.

8. Practice gratitude.

Gratitude is a powerful tool for personal well-being. It helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life and can improve your mood and overall well-being. 

Take time each day to think about what you're grateful for, whether it's your health, your loved ones, or something as simple as a beautiful sunset.

9. Emotional intelligence

Thriving individuals tend to have a high level of emotional intelligence, which allows them to understand and regulate their own emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.


The journey to differentiating between thriving and surviving in your well-being is undoubtedly challenging but deeply rewarding. 

By understanding the dynamics between the two, recognizing the signs of just surviving, embracing the elements of thriving, and implementing practical strategies, you can transform your life from a continuous cycle of coping with day-to-day challenges to a fruitful, meaningful existence. 

Remember, the goal is not to achieve perfection but progress in our journey toward a life where we can genuinely say we are thriving. So, take a deep breath, be patient and kind to yourself, and embrace the exciting adventure ahead.

In the future work program, you will learn how to differentiate between thriving and surviving in your well-being and your career growth in today's digital world, and you will also know what to avoid in other to thrive.

Free training is available to unemployed and underemployed youths below 35 from families in the B40 income tier. With our program, you'll gain the skills to kickstart your freelancing and full-time career and succeed—all online.

Apply for free training today and get started on your exciting new career! 

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